Saturday, October 2, 2010

Adam Lambert, I’m coming!

~Adam Lambert~

Yes! My father allowed me watch Adam Lambert’s concert!
What a good news! WOHOO!!!! =D
Originally, Wc Leong n Esslie Lambert accompany me watch his concert
But some ‘accident’ make they cant go with me now.
It makes me nearly watch his concert alone, luckily Sushi said he goes with me!
Wow, good Sushi~
Ok, now just waiting that day.
Adam Lambert, I’m coming!
The author of 'The Secret of Grave Robber'
I am reading a very nice book recently.
‘The Secret of Grave Robber’
Omg, this is the 1st time I finished a book in 3day.
Now I have finished read 9 book in 4 week!
It’s absolutely brilliant!
What a great story line and good grammar, I can feel that I was in the story when reading.
Of course, in this case, I must thank Kian Ann recommend this book to me.
Thanks,Kian Ann.
C.k. Fong
Last week my hostel friend and me had done a lot of thing that trouble our floor teacher.
Sorry ya, Mr.CK.
Firstly, we went to slope enjoyed our dinner after hostel’s gathering.
We were late after enjoyed our dinner, so we were scold by the FATTEST teacher in hostel.
After that, she don’t let us got into hostel until our floor teacher came back to hostel from class.
Some more, she also dun let tuition teacher entered hostel.
The teacher was looked angry because the FATTEST teacher don’t let she entered hostel after we informed.
F*** you.
Secondly, we went to MBO watched movie ‘Legend of The Fist-Return of Chen Zhen’
Erm…Actually, I can say that it’s only a commerce movie, a big movie that no climax.
But I think all boy will ‘protect’ their bird after watched the part Chen Zhen beat a Japanese’s penis.
It’s pain!!! ><
Donnie Yan’s muscle very nice!
And his backside is…
After we watched the movie, wo ‘shopping’ at the ground, All things discount, we all bought many food but paid less.

When we backed to hostel, only the ‘Malay Chicken’ complaint us, want to confiscate our food and hold us at counter. She thought we would follow her instruction. Again, who cares? We straight went backed our room and leaved nothing at counter. The ‘Malay Chicken’ complaint Mr,CK that it’s his fault.
Sorry to CK again.

At night, I taught J1 students dance. Before the class started, I had done something bad but I was happy about that.
Haha =D
I love teaching they dance because they are cute! ^^
Last 2 week to teach they dance, I must treasure it.
Steven Gerrard
Lastly, I must write something about my wife-football.
My dearest Liverpool, I’m worry for you now.
Top 4 look like an impossible but still can reach.
Don’t give up! 1 more thing, AMERICAN BOSS PLEASE GET OUT FROM LIVERPOOL! If fabulous Gerrard leave Liverpool, then Liverpool is nothing.
Gerrard = Liverpool but Liverpool = Gerrard.
Please, we need CHAMPION!
Arghh!!!!!! Calm down, man.
Now I’m very excited because of You—Adam Lambert!
See you. ^^

Written by
Gerrard Mook

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